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International Day of Peasant Struggles

7 April 2021

17 April is International Day of Peasant Struggles and this year, we are organising a week-long campaign to underline that  "Europe needs more farmers". #17April2021 #NoFutureWithoutFoodSovereigntY

17th of April - the International Day of Peasant Struggles and an important day of mobilisation for ECVC and LVC - is fast approaching.  On this occasion, we are organising a week-long campaign on the following theme:  "Europe needs more farmers". Please find below all of the information about the campaign and importantly, info about co-signing the open letter we will send to the EC on 16/04.   Below you can find a summary of the activities we are planning:   All the ECVC materials for the 17 April mobilisations will be available in this dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a3aewdmhxdi7h8h/AADH5GQZNpDPG4noicnAOO4La?dl=0

  • An open letter to the institutions – This will be sent on 16 April to the European Commission. We will share with members in early April, so it can be adapted for local and national purposes if you wish. We will also ask allies and academics for signatures.
  • 4 infographics for the wider public on climate, land, seeds and food sovereignty. We will release one per day along with topical materials on social media. This will be shared in advance.
  • Dissemination of existing materials from ECVC and members – We are gathering reports, videos, studies, position papers, ECVC documents related to our 17 April key messages (see above) and the 4 infographic topics, targeting the public and political figures. We would love to have more member materials to share, so please send links or files to info@eurovia.org with the subject ‘17 April materials’
  • Slogan – “Europe needs more farmers”. This will be used on infographics and to share material on social media.
  • Hashtag – #17April2021 and #NoFutureWithoutFoodSovereignty - To maximise visibility, we will use the same hashtag(s) as LVC
  • 2 press releases – One will be released on 12 April explaining the week and compiling all the materials, and the second will be released on 16 April with the open letter.
  • Echo the actions of LVC and other regions – LVC are encouraging regions to promote peasant seeds, peasants’ rights, migrant workers’ rights, local food, agroecology, public policies for food sovereignty etc, as well as symbolic actions of solidarity. We will share and echo this. More info available here: https://viacampesina.org/en/twenty-five-years-of-peasants-struggles-in-bringing-food-sovereignty-to-reality/

Event details

17 April 2021 10:35 am

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