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New CAP needed for the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy to Succeed

27 May 2020

Next week will mark two years since the European Commission put forward their proposal for the CAP reform. For ECVC, this proposal must be reviewed urgently, given that the current reform does not reflect the new realities of society, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing concern for environmental issues that led to the emergence of the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy. This demand is made all the more important as the current reform proposal would not be implemented for at least two years, along with the uncertainty and inconsistency that the CAP budget has not yet been approved and with the new economic proposals presented today by the European Commission. Therefore, ECVC stresses that in the review of the reform, the institutions must guarantee the necessary time and stability for the farmers to adapt, through appropriate transition regulation which maintains the current payments.

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