ECVC position on the situation of oppression in Honduras
From the European Coordination Via Campesina we would like to express our concern with regards to the electoral farce that has been set up and the violation of human rights that the coup regime is implementing in Honduras, for being unlawful and because the fragile democracy witnessed before the 28th of June and the lawfully elected president Manuel Zelaya Rosales have not yet been re-established. It is very worrying to hear the news about the increase in the number of acts of repression and intimidation and murders perpetrated by the coup regime led by Roberto Micheletti and the Armed forces before the elections, outside the framework of democracy on Sunday. Besides, these elections are strongly militarised, which makes the electoral process illegal and questions the security of the Honduran people. It is clear that the conditions are not perfect for a democratic and participatory electoral process and in this respect the elections will only contribute to legitimise a coup government. We ask the European Union to use all available means of pressure to re-establish democracy in Honduras and not to acknowledge this electoral set-up in any way. Before calling elections, it is necessary to re-establish the elected president Manuel Zelaya in power and this should be done with sufficient prior notice so that civil society organisations have enough time to prepare themselves for a transparent and participatory process. We support the demands for a Constituent National Assembly. We would like to express our solidarity with the Honduran people and with peasants’ organisations more particularly in their struggle for democracy. Contacts: Lidia Senra: +34609845861 Javier Sánchez: +34609359380
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