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Legislative proposals on CAP post 2013: would they meet European challenges and farmers-citizens’ expectations ?

19 October 2011

ECVC organizes a public debate on October 25. at EESC, Brussels

Policy Debate on the CAP reform Legislative proposals on CAP post 2013: would they meet European challenges and farmers-citizens’ expectations ? Debate on the CAP reform with the European Commission , Farmers’ organisations, EESC members and NGOs from the network FoodSovCap (Movement for Food Sovereignty and Another CAP) Organised by European Coordination Via Campesina and hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee WHERE : European Economic and Social Committee -Building Van Maerlant, 2, rue Van Maerlant, à 1040 Bruxelles WHEN: 25 October, 14h30-17h30 For registration send a message to marzia.rezzin@eurovia.org (deadline 20th of October) Opportunities for the Press to make interviews with the participants from 14h30 till 15h00 and after 17h30

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