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ECVC signs letter denouncing the persecution of the peasant and indigenous movement in Peru

26 January 2023

The farmers of European Coordination Via Campesina, a confederation of trade unions and organisations representing small- and medium-sized peasants and people working in agriculture, which currently includes 31 national and regional peasant organisations from 21 European countries, express our concern about the delicate situation of the Peruvian people and the flagrant violation of human rights that has particularly affected the peasant and indigenous population of the country.

In this sense, we share a letter sent by European social movements denouncing the persecution of the peasant and indigenous movement and to explain the delicate context of the country. These European social movements welcomed and accompanied Lourdes Huanca, president of FENMUCARINAP, member organisation of the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organisations (CLOC-Via Campesina), in public meetings with European organisations and social institutions this week. We support and sign this letter, available to read below and to sign here.

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