Nyéléni ECA/IPC ECA Steering committee for the CSO Consultation is pleased to inform Civil Society Organisations of the upcoming CSO Regional Consultation which is going to be in hybrid format on 8-9 of May, 2022 in Łódź, Poland, prior to the FAO 33rd Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia (ERC).
Nyéléni ECA/IPC ECA Steering committee for the CSO Consultation is pleased to inform Civil Society Organisations of the upcoming CSO Regional Consultation which is going to be in hybrid format on 8-9 of May, 2022 in Łódź, Poland, prior to the FAO 33rd Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia (ERC). There will be interpretation in English, Russian, French, Spanish, Turkish and Polish. Download the Agenda of the meeting in English, Russian, French, Spanish, Turkish and Polish. What is CSO Consultation ? Civil Society Consultations are meetings organized autonomously by and for Civil Society actors in the region – prior to the Regional Conferences of the FAO – meant to gather civil society organizations representing the relevant constituencies (smallholder farmers, fisher folk, pastoralists and herders, forest dwellers, ethnic minorities and indigenous people, urban poor, agricultural and food workers, rural youth and women, consumers, NGOs). The objectives if these consultations are to discuss key topics pertinent to the region, to evaluate what FAO has done in the previous biennium and analyse and contribute to the specific agenda items of the Conference and gather elements for future actions plans. Who is organising ? In every FAO region, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC), as a global platform of small-scale food producers and rural workers’ organizations and grassroots/community based social movements, is responsible for the facilitation of the FAO-CSO dialogue through its Regional Processes. In our region (Europe and Central Asia), the Consultations are organized by Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia (Nyéléni ECA). For Nyéléni ECA, European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) serves as the secretariat of the ad hoc Steering Committee of the regional CSO Consultation process. This Steering Committee facilitates the participation of the various organizations and constituencies in the CSO Consultation in the region. What is the relation with FAO Regional Conference ? The Civil Society Consultation will prepare CSO inputs relative to the items to the FAO 33rd Regional Conference (ERC). The spokespersons, identified by the plenary at the CSOs Consultation will be registered to attend the Regional Conference by FAO in 10-13 May in Łódź, Poland and present the CSO vision there during the debates on behalf of those organisations that will have participated in the CSO Consultation. You may find the provisional annotated agenda, provisional the time table and the list of documents in this link. The Steering Committee of the ECA regional CSO Consultation Ramona Duminicioiu and Paula Gioia, ECVC-European Coordination Via Campesina Rodion Sulyandziga, CSIPN – Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North Valentina Sovkina, Saami Parliament of the Kola Peninsula Elena Konoplianko – Indigenous Fishfolk of Far East/ WFFP Olena Borodina – URDN – Ukranian Rural Development Network Aida Jamangulova, ADI, Agency of Development Initiatives Fernando Garcia Dory – ESN European Chapter / WAMIP – The World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples Judith Hitchman and Isa Alvarez, URGENCI – The International Network of Community Supported Agriculture Andrea Ferrante, Schola Campesina
Event details
8 May 2022 12:00 am
Join us virtually by sending an e mail to technical secretariat of the Nyéléni ECA, Olcay Bingol, on behalf of the Steering Committee: cso.consultation2022@gmail.com. We will share the Zoom link with you.
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