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International Call to Action of La Vía Campesina – April 17 International Day of Farmers’ Struggles

20 March 2014

The European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC) joins the celebration of International Day of Farmers' Struggles and invite you to organize mobilizations and provide news and feedback about themselves. Please, specify in the subject your country. Send us reports, pictures and videos of your action at lvcweb@viacampesina.org .

The European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC) joins the celebration of International Day of Farmers' Struggles and invite you to organize mobilizations and provide news and feedback about themselves. Send us reports, pictures and videos of your action at lvcweb@viacampesina.org Please, specify in the subject your country. Globalize the Struggle! Globalize Hope! International Call to Action of La Vía Campesina - April 17 International Day of Farmers

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